Our New Youth Leaders!
Trinity is excited to introduce our new Youth Leaders! . Ben and Giselle (GeeGee) Koch will serve in the position as a team. They have an impressive ministry background, and demonstrate passion for children and youth ministry and for their individual and couple calling to work with Trinity and our youth. Ben and GeeGee will be introduced during our 10:30am worship on August 25. Immediately following worship there will be a cake reception in the lobby for the congregation to meet them. Afterward, youth and their families will meet with them in the Youth Room. Please join us in welcoming them!
Don’t forget to join us for Youth Group meetings!!
Who: ALL YOUTH ( 7TH ~ 12TH gr)
When: Every Sunday, 3:30pm ~ 5:00pm
Where: Trinity Presbyterian Church
Current Topic: Cold Case Christianity By: “J. Warner Wallace”