Trinity’s Life Together


Trinity’s Life Together

Welcome to Trinity! A warm welcome to all! You are invited to fellowship and light refreshments following worship in the Lobby. 

A Message from the Pastors Throughout the Lenten season, we journey to the cross with Jesus. We pray with him in deserts and in gardens. We celebrate him with palms. We weep with him in his deep night of trial.  And we shout Alleluia at his triumphant resurrection!  As we walk this journey together, our prayer is that this deepest mystery and miracle of our faith will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus always. Please feel free to contact us. We count it a blessing to talk and pray with you

Lenten Sermon Series on Prayer, March 1-April 12 Pastor Rick will be discussing prayerful scriptures and taking inspiration from the book,  “Praying in the Messiness of Life”  by  Linda Douty.   

Four Bar Service: Building Your Connection with Jesus Special Sunday Worship Services, April 19 & 26 Our wonderful church family prayer workshop has been rescheduled to be the main event for worship on the last two Sunday mornings in April. These worship services will be a bit different, with teachings and  activities on prayer; and our children and youth will break out for their own discussion and activities in the latter part of each service. Using the acronym P.R.A.Y. (Praise, Repent, Another, Yourself), leaders and pastors will present lessons together and include some of their experiences with prayer. Make sure to attend these inspirational, fun and educational worship services-and update your connection to the Lord!

Change is in the Air Trinity is responding to health concerns in our church family with a bit of a change to some of our practices.  As was mentioned recently, we are adjusting our communion procedure. We have also altered the P.R.A.Y. Workshop, to limit unnecessary, additional group gatherings and to avoid shared meals, for the time being. As we write this, Alaska has been spared from any epidemic. Thank you Lord! We trust you as the Great Physician, and pray for a swift end to the spread of recent illness in all parts of our nation and world, as we take actions to help do our part in keeping illness at bay here at Trinity.  We recommend Psalm 91 as a source of comfort and strength for all.  “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' Surely he will save you from the Fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.”  Psalm 91:2-3 (NIV)

 Anaktuvuk Pass Meetings Join us each Sunday, in the Lobby, after worship for planning of our  mission this year to Anaktuvuk Pass. All are welcome.

2020 Lenten Prayer Calendars - Pick one up in the Lobby. It is a time to pray, to think about our habits; what God wants us to do or stop doing, often people fast during Lent, one way to fast is by consciously taking a break from things that distract us from God. We can observe Lent by finding ways to pray for and help others. During Lent we prepare our hearts to be truly ready for Easter, by asking God to spiritually renew us, so we are ready to celebrate Easter and appreciate Jesus’s loving sacrifice to save us. You can choose a prayer or act of service everyday.


Our Trinity Family is lifting prayers this week for:

 -all who are celebrating life’s milestones.

-all who are suffering  and are in need of food, shelter and facing financial hardships.

 -guidance for our leaders in Alaska, The United States and Trinity. 

 -those who are facing legal issues. Help them to be strong.

 -God’s comfort and healing for people who are recovering from illness, surgery, or grieving the loss of a loved one. 

 -protection against the COVID-19 virus.  

The Lord will guide you always;
    he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
    and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
    like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11


Calendar Schedule


Sun:  Adult Christian Education  9:00am ~ Weeks Room

Sun:  Music & Worship  10:20am ~ Sanctuary

         Children’s Church & Nursery (except Family Sundays)

Tue:  Men’s Prayer Group, 6:30am ~ Lobby

Wed: Women’s Bible Study  10:00am ~ Library

Wed: Prayer Gathering 6:30pm ~ Weeks Room

Thu:  Worship Rehearsal 6:30pm ~ Sanctuary

Mon-Fri: Normal Office Hours  9:00am-5:00pm


2nd Tue: Finance Team Meeting 6:00pm ~ Weeks Room

3rd Tue: Beans Café ~ Volunteers 11:30am - 1:00pm ~ at Bean’s

4th Thu: Anna Kirk Circle  6:00pm ~ Library

4th Tue: Missions Team Meeting  7:00pm ~Library

Mark Your Calendars

Sun, Mar 15:  Music & Worship Third Sunday of Lent, 10:20am ~ Sanctuary  AKP meeting in Lobby after Worship

Tue, Mar 17: Beans Café ~ Volunteers 11:30am ~ at Bean’s                                                                                                        Session Business Meeting  6:00pm ~ Weeks Room

Sun, Mar 22: Music & Worship, Fourth Sunday of Lent, 10:20am ~ Sanctuary 

Tue, Mar 24:  Missions Team Meeting  7:00pm ~ Library

Thu, Mar 26:  Anna Kirk Circle  6:00pm ~ Library

Sun, Mar 29:  Music & Worship, Fifth Sunday of Lent,  10:20am ~ Sanctuary 

Trinity’s Life Together Do you have a special event or an announcement you would like to put in the Trinity Newsletter? Give the church office a call or send an email. 

Lost and Found Please check the lost and found basket in the Lobby.  Items left more than 2 weeks are usually donated or discarded.
























Church Admin