Coming Up at Trinity!
Friday, February 14th - Youth Valentine's Day Party 4-6pm Come show the love! For all Trinity students from K - 12th Grade
Saturday, February 15th 9am - 12pm iConnect Class
Interested in becoming a member of Trinity? Please join us at our iConnect class this Saturday, from 9 - 12. Contact Tammy at for more information.
Saturday, February 15th - John Damberg Latin Jazz Quintet Concert 7-9pm
The quintet will present a great concert of Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, and Original songs. Admission is $15 for adults, $5 for students, children 12 years & under are free and 25% of the proceeds will go to benefit Bean’s Café.
Sunday, February 16th - Reception for Marian Hill
Please join us following worship on Sunday, February 16th for a reception in honor of Marian Hill, hosted by her home group and bible study. We are grateful for her many years of service and history at Trinity, and will miss her presence with us as she is moving out of state to be with family. Be sure to give your best wishes to her on Sunday. There will be a card for her in the lobby.
Friday, February 21st 6 - 9pm - Date Night!!
This outreach ministry of Trinity provides a great place for kids to hang out while their parents get time for a date night. Date Night is a fundraiser for Huffman Elementary. Cost is $10 per child. Online Registration
Saturday, February 22nd 10am - 12pm - Session Open House
If you'd like to speak with session about the budget, they will be hosting an open house Saturday Feb 22nd from 10am - 12pm. No appointment necessary.
Sunday, February 23rd, Following Worship - Annual Congregational Meeting
Join us at this congregational meeting for the purpose of:
Receiving the annual reports filed by church committees including accounts of finances as of Dec 31, 2013 and the 2014 church budget
Receiving minutes of the 2013 Congregational Meetings
Receiving and voting on Nominating Committee members
Approving Pastor's Terms of Call
Receiving and voting on new Deacons
Receiving and voting on renewal of terms for existing elders (Todd Carter and Beverly English)
Receiving a motion from the Session to amend the bylaws
Hearing other informational items which the Pastors and the Session wish to share with the congregation
Wednesday, March 5th, 7pm - Ash Wednesday Service
Come mark the beginning of the Lenten season with us at our contemplative Ash Wednesday service.
** I am so sorry I left Helen Bruns' memorial service of March 2013 off of the annual report. This was my mistake, please forgive my oversight. It stands corrected in the books.
- Kirby Kauffman, Co-Clerk of Session
**Thank you Trinity Presbyterian Women for providing Equal Exchange coffee for our lobby and chocolates for visitor gift bags! TPW has been filling this need at Trinity free of charge since August of this year. Thank you so much for supporting fellowship before and after worship in this way!!