Coming Up at Trinity – January 31, 2017

Checkout this week's Sermon on this page here

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February 4th, Saturday

Huffman Elementary 1st Annual Winter Sports Day!

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  Come join us with your family and have some fun!  Cross-country skiing, ice skating, fat biking, sledding and more!  Interested in volunteering?  To find out how you can help, email:

February 12, Sunday

Annual Meeting:  The Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church calls for the annual meeting of the congregation for February 12, 2017, following worship.  We invite all active members of Trinity to attend. The purpose of the meeting is for the election of Deacons, Elders and of nominating committee members, and receiving the 2016 Annual Report and the 2017  Budget.   Childcare will be available.

February 19, Sunday

Trinity Mission Team meets Feb. 19 right after worship at 11:45am in the Narthex. All people who are interested in the mission are invited to attend. We are looking for people, especially interested in our annual summer mission trip to our partner chapel  - Chapel in the Mountains - Anaktuvuk Pass.

Love, INC is in need of queen sized sheets, pillowcases, and blankets.  They may be gently used items.  Please drop  linens off in the Love INC basket located in the entry of the Narthex or at the office.  Thank you for your contributions
