Coming Up at Trinity - March 7, 2017
Checkout this week’s Sermon on this page here
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March 12th
March 12th is week two of “Fruitful Gatherings”. This week’s focus is “The Practice of Passionate Worship.” We will worship God for 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of study, before moving to table meal and fellowship in the Narthex! All are welcome! No advance preparation is required-all materials will be on hand! We look forward to YOUR contribution!
April 9th and April 16th
Trinity will be joining with other Presbyterian Church (USA) churches in the One Great Hour of Sharing, special offering. There will be bulletin inserts with more information about this offering throughout Lent. OGHS offering will be collected on April 9 (Palm Sunday) and April 16 (Easter Sunday)
March 30th
“Math & Science Night” at Huffman Elementary is scheduled for Thursday, March 30th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. The theme this year is Harry Potter! If you are interested in participating please contact Rich Wilson at #952-1502.