News and Announcements at Trinity!

Sat & Sun, June 7 & 8 Love Alaska – 3-10pm Cuddy Family Midtown Park (by Loussac Library) Message by: Luis Palau, Artists: Tobymac, Kutless, Thousand Foot Krutch, Lincoln Brewster, Trinity and more. Great music, action sports (3-5pm), kids area (3-6pm), good news. Main stage 5-10pm. Free! Trinity Youth Group and drivers meet at Trinity @ 3:30pm.


Sunday, June 8

Day of Pentecost

The PC(USA) Pentecost Offering will be collected on June 8 to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. The offering is shared at 60% on the National level to help with training for the Youth Triennium and Young Adult Volunteers (YAV); 40% will be kept at Trinity to be used for children and youth at risk. Last year Trinity’s Mission Committee committed their share to be used with our partner church, Chapel in the Mountains in Anaktuvuk Pass with their young people.


Saturday, June 14

Trinity’s Spring Clean-Up Day, 9am-3pm. Come participate in sprucing up Trinity’s exterior! This is a general clean-up of the grounds, windows, etc. and the beginning of our summer projects. Any supplies you would like to bring/donate (windex, rags, etc.) are appreciated. Grills will be fired up for refreshments! Look forward to seeing you here!


Mon, Tues, Wed, June 16, 17 & 18

Building & Grounds Elders are seeking volunteers to help with the removal of the carpet in the Fellowship Hall from 6-9pm on each of these days. The old carpet is available for the taking on a first come first serve basis. For more information contact Spencer Biegel at #227-9567 or


Saturday, June 21

2014 Mayor’s Marathon!

Join your Trinity friends as we serve water to runners of the Mayor’s Marathon event! It’s a rockin’ good time while we jam out to music and cheer on runners.  Watch for the sign-up table in the Lobby or contact the office at #345-4823.


Fri, Sat, Sun, July 18, 19 & 20

Summer Men’s Retreat! - Mark your calendars now before you fill it up with all those summer activities.   More information coming soon!


Trinity is seeking typists for the Joys and Concerns on Sunday mornings. If you are interested please contact Shelly Farnam at


Summer office hours are 10am-3pm, Monday-Thursday beginning June 1st.


