Trinity Announcements
March 13, Sunday
-Daylight Savings Time begins, remember to set your clocks forward!
-Board of Deacons, Connections, and AKP teams will meet separately in the Narthex/Lobby following worship.
-No Youth Group – Spring Break!
March 16, Wednesday
-Women’s Bible Study; 10:00am; Library
March 17, Thursday
-Men’s Bible Study; 6:30am; Library
-Anna Kirk Circle, Women’s Bible Study; 7pm; Library (Note: This is rescheduled from March 24)
March 19, Saturday
-Love INC Anchorage is having an Indoor Flea Market & Craft Fair; 9am-5pm, 1920 W. Dimond Blvd, between Planet Fitness & Joann Fabrics on Dimond. Proceeds will be donated to Love INC Anchorage.
March 20, Palm Sunday
-10:30am Service, child care & children’s church provided.
March 27, Sunday
Easter Services
-7:00am Sunrise Service lead by our Youth; Huffman Elementary; coffee & donuts following, dress warm!
-10:30am Service in the Sanctuary, with a Halleluiah Chorus around the piano at the close of service. Choose to join in or enjoy from the Narthex/Lobby with finger food and fellowship! Child care and children’s church provided.
-One Great Hour of Sharing serves ministries that provide food and safe water to people in need, hope to those overcoming catastrophe and conflict, and resources to disadvantaged and oppressed communities striving to better their lives. Presbyterians have a history of working to build a more just, resilient, and sustainable future. When you give to One Great Hour of Sharing, you are supporting the gifts and talents of people and communities all over the world. This Special Offering is being collected March 27.
March 30, Wednesday
-Huffman Staff Appreciation; Trinity is providing light breakfast at 8:30am. Please call the office if you are interested in participating
-Service of Healing and Wholeness; 7:00pm, Sanctuary
March 31, Thursday
-Math & Science Night at Huffman Elementary; 6:30-8:00pm. Come see displays by Trinity members as part of this event!