Trinity's Life Together ~ Friday, April 30, 2021
Sunday, May 2, 2021
The Rev. Tim Carrick will be in the Pulpit. Elements of Communion will be in your Pew Bags.
A Big Shout Out, Thank You!
To Turnagain Church of Christ for having our parking lot swept and cleaned on Monday!
Sunday, May 9, 2021
We will have a guest Pastor next Sunday. We will be celebrating Mother’s Day, and our Graduates with a ceremonial slide show. If you have not sent in pictures, May 7, is the deadline. Please call the office, 345-4823, if you have questions.
Sound and Media
Currently, Trinity only has a few people who are able to run Sound and Media on Sundays. If you would like to be a part of the Sound/Media team, for a few hours every Sunday, please let us know so we can provide training for you.
Session Business Meeting
Pastor Randy is out of the office from May 1 ~ 14, 2021
Session Business meetings have been moved to Wednesday, May 19, 2021, upon Pastor Randy’s return.
Men’s Prayer Group
Meets every Tuesday, in the Narthex, at 6:30am.
Trinity Missions Group Missions Team meets every second Thursday of the month, via zoom. Watch the TLT for your Zoom invitation.
Trinity Prayer Gathering
Every Wednesday 6:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 9996 4162
Passcode: 317729
Trinity Presbyterian Women (TPW) TPW Bible Group meets every Wednesday at 10:30am., both in person via zoom, in the Ralph Weeks room. Come and join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 999 5874 4402
Anna Kirk Circle
Anna Kirk Circle meets every 4th Thursday of the month via zoom. Any woman who would like to join the group is invited. If you would like to receive more information, Please call JoAnn @ 907-345-1690 or Beverly, our host, @ 907-227-3582
It’s Garden Time!
(Well, almost)
Our Master Gardner, Tom Morse, is setting a “Tentative” date of June 6, 2021, for garden planting. Planting will take place with the children during the Service. Please watch the TLT for more information!
Before planting can begin, the beds are in need of major clean-up and repair work. The beds took quite a beating this winter and are in need of much TLC. If you would like to help out with getting our garden beds in order, or even donating supplies, please call Tom Morse at 907-562-0496)
The Trinity Garden Project is a labor of love, all of the vegetables are harvested and donated to the Anchorage Soup Kitchen which helps feed the hungry. This also gives our children a sense of accomplishment and service. Last year Trinity donated a total of:
260lbs Potatoes, 90lbs Carrots and 70lbs beets and beet greens!
Again, more information will follow in subsequent newsletters.
Sunday's Scripture
Celebrating the Presence of God
Have A Blessed Day Trinity