This Week at Trinity
Announcements May 11, Wednesday Women’s Bible Study, 10:00 a.m., Library
May 12, Thursday Men’s Bible Study, 6:30 a.m., Library Anna Kirk Circle, 7:00 p.m., Library
May 14, Saturday A Blessing of Animals Service, 3:00-4:30 p.m., Trinity Courtyard; Join fellow pet lovers as we give God thanks for your special companion! Following a brief homily, each pet will be blessed. Past pets will also be celebrated (bring a picture to share!) Pet treats and human refreshments provided! Pets must be on a leash or monitored. Questions? Call 345-4823.
May 15, Sunday Congregational Meeting: The Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church hereby calls for a Meeting of the Congregation to immediately follow worship on Sunday, May 15, 2016. The purpose of this meeting will be to act upon a slate of nominees for The Pastor Nominating Committee, as put forth by the Nominating Committee. Deacon Meeting, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Library Youth Group, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
May 22, Sunday Parents of all kids 3 ½ years old through 8th grade. During Kids Church on Sunday, May 22, we will be helping plant potatoes and green beans in the community gardens at the edge of our back parking lot. Please have your kids wear appropriate gardening clothes. Any questions, call Joan White at #345-3922.
The PC(USA) Pentecost Offering is being collected on May 15 & 22nd to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. The offering is shared at 60% for the National level to help with training for the Youth Triennium and Young Adult Volunteers ((YAV). 40% will be kept at Trinity to be used for children and youth at risk.