Trinity Presbyterian Alaska

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This Week at Trinity, September 3, 2015

Save The Dates!

September 19, Saturday

Fall Tea and Silent Auction - Please bring 'White Elephants’ (gently used items) to coat room after Sept. 6, more details to follow.


September 20, Sunday

Youth/Parent Planning meeting, 6-8pm, lobby; potluck, please bring a dish to share. Questions contact Dora at #248-6516.


October 2-4, Friday-Sunday

Women’s Retreat - Best Western, Lake Lucille Inn, Wasilla; Susan Lundgren, speaker; invite your friends!  More details to follow.


Women’s Retreat

Susan Lundgren is requesting your input for speaking topics at the women's retreat in October. Susan's desire is for our time together to bear fruit long after the retreat, stretch us some, draw on the wisdom of some of our more mature women, and knit us all together more closely with Christ.

Please email her directly at


Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Class

The women’s bible class will resume September 23 from 10-11:30am in the library. All women are invited to join us as we continue The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 15. Childcare is not available.


Operation Christmas Child

If you are interested in leading and/or helping with the planning and implementation of this outreach program or want more information please contact Joan White at #345-3922. Planning should begin in September.


From the Mission Team of Trinity: The PC(USA) Peacemaking Program is sponsoring a Mosaic of Peace 2016 trip to Israel/Palestine. Participants will travel to the Holy Land, visit with real people who are actively involved in peacemaking and see historic places. Jo Ann Bantz participated in the Mosaic of Peace 2014 and has more information contact Jo Ann (, visit the website or call 800-728-7228 X8820 or 502-569-8820. Application deadline is Oct. 15, 2015.